
We are so excited to have awarded the following films special recognition at our festival. Keep an eye on the future of these filmmakers and their amazing work!

2024 Award Winners

  • Best Short Comedy

    Viva Extra

    Written and Directed by Kevin Samar

  • Best Short Drama

    10 Minutes to Showtime

    Written and Directed by Logan Keefe

  • Best Thriller


    Directed by Bryan Santiago

  • Best Documentary

    Bearing Witness: A Name And A Voice

    Directed by Dina Jane Rudick

  • Best Feature Comedy

    Mother Father Sister Brother Frank

    Written and Directed by Caden Douglas

  • Best Feature Drama

    The Ghost Trap

    Directed by James KhanlarianI

  • Most Vermont-y


    Directed by Chad Ervin

  • Best First Time Filmmaker

    The Late Game

    Written and Directed by Jeff Tyner